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We need your help!

This is an urgent request. We need your help.
For the first time in our history, we have had to make significant changes to the way we serve individuals living with an acquired brain injury. As the rest of the world slows down, we are busier than ever.

As a result of COVID-19, many of our events and fundraisers are cancelled. We do not receive any government funding. The ability to keep our programs running and to keep servicing our members who are in need now more than ever, we need your help.
Please make a donation today to provide those affected by an acquired brain injury the support they need to maintain their recovery.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have transitioned to providing therapeutic support and or social interaction to our clients through virtual programs. Our trained professionals have an expertise in brain injury related treatment and are eager to offer support to our clients. In order to meet the demands for our remote services, we need your help!

This unprecedented time can be especially challenging and isolating for those who have been impacted by or are caring from someone with a brain injury. As such, the need for our support programs is now greater than ever.

One of our dedicated participants, Carol, regularly attends the “You Are Not Alone Support Group” and “the GOALS Group”. While understanding the need and importance of maintaining social distancing, Carol was disappointed to learn that she could no longer attend the group meetings. She advised that attending the groups is her lifeline – her way of socializing, managing her anxiety and dealing with the ongoing symptoms of her brain injury. Like Carol, many of our clients are dependent upon these sessions. It is critical that we continue to maintain them despite the current crises.

We cannot meet this challenge without you.