Volunteers are people from all walks of life, all ages and stages. What they have in common is the desire to make a difference in their community and in their own life by giving of their time and expertise.
Explore this site and discover how you can become part of a movement that education, awareness and the support of people with brain injuries in the Windsor / Essex community. Learn how you can make a difference in the lives of others.
Volunteers are involved in virtually every aspect of the BIAWE education, fundraising, social functions, bike helmet campaigns to name a few. Some volunteers give just one hour of time each week; others devote many hours. Volunteers are involved in one-time events as well as ongoing commitments. Some choose to volunteer out in the community whereas others are virtual volunteers and do their volunteering from the comfort of home. Volunteers can work on their own or with others, do hands-on work or volunteer at an administrative or leadership level.
Volunteers play a vital role at the BIAWE. Across the Windsor & Essex communities volunteers are engaged in delivering services and programs that improve and enhance the life of our communities. Volunteers are people just like you.
Contact us if you would like to help: volunteer@biawe.com or call 519-981-1329
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Want to save a brain?
Brain injury prevention is one of our main goals and we do this through educating students about the proper fit for helmets.
We bring helmets and bicycle safety information to children who otherwise may not be able to afford a helmet. We do this through the service organizations in Windsor and Essex County.
Your job is to fit helmets on children and explain to them the 2V1 method of helmet fitting. You may be asked to bring helmets to a site, unload and organize them for the fittings. You may be asked to present the safety part of the presentation. You will ensure the helmets have BIAWE stickers in them.
Clinics are set up at various places and times, normally during the spring and summer. There may be occasional fall dates. Sign up with the volunteer coordinator (volunteer@biawe.com) who will let you know when the clinics are, and you register your date/time. Work with the event coordinator (helmets@biawe.com) for training and be part of this team of fitters. Wear your BIAWE t-shirt.
Want to save a Butterfly?
Butterflies and bees – we are providing food and homes for them in our Butterfly Lane (alley in the 1100 block between Argyle and Devonshire Roads in Walkerville). This lane has over sixteen murals of butterflies and is meant to bring awareness of acquired brain injury.
To ensure they have lots of food and pollinate plants, we need to ensure the plants are healthy and well. You can help by watering the plants on a schedule designed to suit your availability. The volunteer coordinator (volunteer@baiwe.com) sets up a schedule for watering the plants. The rain barrel is in the alley and all you need to do is use the tools that are there to water the plants in the alley. Bring a friend to help.
Want to Reach Out?
We have opportunities to do outreach by having booths at health fairs and public events. It requires you to set-up and take down a display of BIAWE materials, including pull-up banners and pamphlets. Engage in conversation about the work of BIAWE and how it helps those living with an acquired brain injury. Provide written information to those interested and give away BIAWE promotional materials. Take people’s contact info if they want to join BIAWE or learn more about it.
These fairs are usually during the daytime hours in the week. They require you to stay for the duration of the event, which is usually a few hours. Lunch is usually provided. Wear your BIAWE t-shirt to the event. You will be working with another person, so that the booth is always attended.
The volunteer coordinator (volunteer@biawe.com) will let you know when these opportunities arise.
Love Social Media?
We do too. That’s how we get our message out about the wonderful things that are going on at BIAWE. There’s a lot going on, so you can use your marketing and social medial skills to assist us. You will be able to see the impact of your contribution on public awareness, fundraising, volunteer recruitment and community support. Employ your creative thinking, computer skills and self-motivation to provide innovative and regular social media output.
You do this on your own time, but it must be regular. Work with the Executive Director (info@biawe.com) to promote BIAWE and its programs and services and formulate a plan of action.
Comfortable Speaking in Public?
We can use your interpersonal communications skills in speaking on behalf of BIAWE. Book engagements to speak about BIAWE and its programs and services.
Build networks and hone your public relations and media skills. Motivate others to join BIAWE and volunteer. Bring community awareness and knowledge to the public. You can book your speaking engagements. You can also be asked by the volunteer coordinator (volunteer@biawe.com) to speak at requested engagements. Wear your BIAWE t-shirt to speaking engagements.
Love to take Pictures and Videos?
We need you to take pictures at our events and functions. These pictures are used in our newsletter, website and social media sites. It’s a fabulous way to show people what we do and how we do it. You get to attend our events and engage with the public. This includes our conference, golf tournament, fundraising events and programs.
Develop your photography and videography skills while helping us promote the good work of BIAWE. The volunteer coordinator (volunteer@biawe.com) will let you know well in advance of the upcoming events. Wear your BIAWE t-shirt to let others know you’re a part of our team.
Want to help BIAWE expand its services?
Help us attain new funding sources so we can expand our programs and services for those affected by an acquired brain injury.
Work on your own time and gain an understanding of the charitable sector. Learn about corporate, government and foundation funding and see the results of your efforts. For this you need organizational skills, good communication and technology skills, be able to research and analyze. Hone your creative and strategic thinking skills. You have so much to gain by helping BIAWE. Work with the Executive Director (info@biawe.com) in coming up with a good long term plan to support the sustainability of this charitable organization.
Are you a Good Listener?
Then we have a position for you. Call clients of BIAWE – people living with an acquired brain injury to chat and find out how they’re doing. Many of our clients live alone and don’t have a chance to speak to someone regularly. You can make their day by being a “Sunshine Caller” and bring a ray of sunshine and hope. Listen to how they’re doing and notice if they are having any difficulties. If they are, you can refer them to BIAWE for more assistance. Feel good while making someone else feel good too. Make a new friend.
For this you are required to take an online course about suicide prevention and provide a police clearance. You will be trained before you are given the name of a person you call weekly, or according to a mutually agreed upon timetable. Work from home on your own time. The client coordinator (connect@biawe.com) will work with you in finding a good match.
For this you are required to take an online course about suicide prevention and provide a police clearance. You will be trained before you are given the name of a person you call weekly, or according to a mutually agreed upon timetable. Work from home on your own time. The client coordinator (connect@biawe.com) will work with you in finding a good match.
Like to Fundraise?
We have the opportunity of raising funds through regularly scheduled bingo times at All Star Bingo on Walker at Ottawa Street. These sessions provide us with valuable funds to continue our programs and services. The sessions are two (2) hours long and happen three to four (3-4) times per month. However, as we have a list of volunteers (and we need two at each session) you would only be asked to volunteer once a month or two.
You need to complete on on-line training session before you begin. You will be given a BIAEW golf shirt that you must wear at the bingo sessions. Hours vary each session. There are some morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Most sessions are on the weekends, but some may be during the week. They are never more than two hours long.
The volunteer coordinator (volunteer@biawe.com) will send out the schedule in advance and you sign up for the sessions you want. It’s first come-first served, so please sign up early.
Is Socializing your thing?
If it is, you can volunteer at monthly survivor socials. The social coordinator (social@biawe.com) needs helpers at some of the socials, depending on what it is. This is your chance to be with those living with a brain injury and to have fun. Each month it’s different. Once you sign up with the volunteer coordinator (volunteer@biawe.com) the social coordinator will provide you with all the details.
It’s usually held on the fourth Monday of each month at 1100 University Ave. W., from 7 to 8:30, but there are times the program is off-site and at different times. Wear your BIAWE t-shirt so clients know who you are. You will be helping the social coordinator with whatever assistance she needs. You may be asked to come earlier and stay later, depending on the activities.