The Brain Injury Association of Windsor and Essex County received $45,000 from the Toldo Foundation to hire a Client Services Coordinator to support its mission of enhancing the lives of those affected by an acquired brain injury.
The Coordinator will provide technological assistance and training to support clients in connecting to online peer support groups, provide emotional support from peers, receive education about acquired brain injury (ABI) and access apps to assist with activities of daily living.
These support groups fill the gap after rehabilitation and assist in life-long recovery as survivors adjust to their new identity. Learning how to use technology promotes self-reliance, community engagement, ability to attend support groups and to overcome many of the unique challenges faced as a person with an ABI.
The Client Services Coordinator will support clients in maintaining and accessing income, filing taxes, completing applications and communicating with essential agencies and services. Poor mental health, addictions, brain injury, illness and trauma are all significant comorbid conditions faced by clients because of their cognitive impairments. The Coordinator will assist in finding resources and benefits that otherwise are inaccessible to them.